The white thread at the top sides are where the armhole steeks are going in. ARMHOLE STEEKS, PEOPLE! And now, all I have to do is knit an interrupted 38 stitch pattern repeat whilst decreasing and standing on my head and playing the frigging trumpet with my left hand while I juggle flaming axes with my right foot. Thats all.
I have no idea why I thought it was going to get easier after the armhole steeks went in. No idea whatsoever. I have to go drink heavily now.
Beautiful! I have something for you....
Dang. Be careful with those flaming axes could lose an eye or something.
you was thinking "wow, won't this be fun to knit" right?
Keep on knittin' girl. It's abso-freakin-lutely beeyooteefull!
I can't wait to see it in person! It's going to be an incredible sweater! Steeks are scary at first, but then after you have done it you'll say to yourself, "why was I so scared, that wasn't that bad". Bok on!
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