I'm knitting the shoulder stitches, this thing is so full of steeks it looks like I'm knitting for something that has tentacles, and I should be wearing it to Knitch next Sunday to be a wretched show off. Unless button bands turn out to be my nemesis or something. I have the yarn for the February Lady Sweater queued up in the knitting room, and Isobel of Mar is scheduled for March (get it? Isobel of Mar-ch?) (Yeah I'm going nuts from sleep dep.)
So later today after work I'll be grafting shoulders and cutting steeks and starting the finishing (Doesn't that just seem like the worst grammar?). The grafting scares me worse than the cutting. I know this wool ain't going nowhere, but I can sure botch a graft.
I have to go now and re up my Starbucks card with my February allowance or I may not make it.
:stares in silent admiration:
Can't wait to see the finished product.
I have not followed the entire progress of this gorgeous item of stupendousness, but I am gobsmacked and awestruck by its... well, you get the idea. Zounds.
Wow.. that is GORGEOUS. I totally suck at colorwork so I just admire it from afar.
WOW. That's stunning!
Speechless. But bummed that I'll miss the debut. I won't be at Knitch next week.
Oh, baby. That will make my Sunday, to see you in this splendor! : )
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